Mission's Campus Dog Walk
Monday, April 11
Gather your family and pets and join Mission and the NIU Alumni Association for a fun spring evening on campus! Meet at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 11, at the Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center for Mission's Campus Dog Walk.
Enjoy a stroll through campus to the NIU Pride Sculpture at the MLK Commons. At the conclusion of the walk, we will return to the BAVC patio for more fun and snacks. There will be cookie decorating for kids and prizes for participating dogs.
The whole family—two- and four-legged members alike—will enjoy this "pawsome" event!
Mission's Pet Pack members can participate free of charge. Please reach out to Dana King, ’05, at dking1@niu.edu or 815-753-5421, if you have questions.
In the case of inclement weather on April 11, the walk will be rescheduled for Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Event Details
$5 per family
Mission's Pet Pack members are free.
The NIU Foundation follows the protocols and guidelines established by NIU regarding how to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, which is based on the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local public health organizations. NIU’s protocols and guidelines are located at: www.niu.edu/protecting-the-pack.
The NIU Foundation and NIU Alumni Association recognize that the pandemic is, and will continue to be, a fluid situation and will abide by whatever mandates and guidelines that have been established at the local and state level.
We deeply respect and greatly appreciate our donors, alumni, community and friends. As we move forward – together – the NIU Foundation and NIU Alumni Association are committed to following the above guidance and making every effort to reduce any threat to everyone’s safety, health and well-being.
We hope that you will decide to join us at an upcoming event and we look forward to seeing you.
Hand sanitizer and disposable masks will be available at our events. We encourage you to consider your health and personal well-being when deciding whether to attend.
Be well, and stay safe.