'Experience NIU' Event Series
Murder, Mayhem and Mustaches: Living History and Learning STEM with NIU STEM Read and Author Kate Hannigan
The Northern Illinois University Alumni Association and NIU STEM Read present children’s author Kate Hannigan as part of the 2018 "Experience NIU" Event Series on Monday, April 23.
A cocktail reception that includes light hors d'oeuvres and an open bar (beer and wine) will be available to dues-paying NIU Alumni Association members for $10 and to nonmembers for $15. The reception will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Sky Room of the Holmes Student Center, followed by the NIU STEM Read presentation at 6 p.m.
NIU STEM Read uses popular fiction to get students and teachers excited about science, technology, engineering and math. They create wildly popular live-action games, videos and online resources to help students relive their favorite books and learn about cutting-edge STEM concepts and careers.
The official selection for spring 2018 is the middle-grade novel "The Detective’s Assistant" by Kate Hannigan. The novel tells the story of the Pinkerton Detective Agency’s first female detective, Kate Warne, through the eyes of her niece. Warne was critical in foiling an assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln on the eve of his inauguration.
Kate Hannigan will talk about how historical fiction and children’s literature can help save the world. The event will also explore the connections between STEM and stories and challenge participants to solve history and STEM mysteries to win fabulous prizes.
Copies of Kate Hannigan’s books will be available for purchase.
For more information, contact Stephanie Poulos at (815) 753-1679 or spoulos1@niu.edu.