
Celebrate 50 Years Since Graduating From NIU


With access to world-class educators, a bustling campus life, and the shared experiences of pivotal historical moments, your experience at NIU undoubtedly prepared you for personal and professional success.

As you reach 50 years since earning your degree, you become a Golden Huskie, which creates a significant opportunity to celebrate and reflect on how you can help continue NIU's legacy.

The Golden Huskie 50+ Year Reunion Committee invites you to join the graduates of the class of 1974 in making a donation to support the Golden Huskie Scholarship fund, or any designation that matches your interest.

As you might remember, the cost of tuition in the 70s was $330 per year, considerably less than today. In 2023, the cost of tuition at NIU, although very competitive, was $12,500, not including books, and an additional $11,700 for some students. With over 50% of the latest freshman class being the first in their family to earn a degree, working their way through school and often assisting with family obligations, the Golden Huskie Scholarship fund will provide support to students that need it the most.

A gift to NIU is life-changing. Thank you for your help empowering students through educational excellence and experiential learning.

Golden Huskie Scholarship Fundraising Campaign

The Golden Huskies Scholarship is launching in 2024, and until it is fully endowed, a portion of the funds raised will annually be awarded to a student with the remaining funds building toward a $50,000 endowment. When that endowment threshold is met, the funds will be invested and, once matured, will enable the scholarship to be awarded in perpetuity. Gifts to the Golden Huskie Scholarship fund will support all students from all colleges and departments to help them to pursue their education at NIU.

0% Funded
$0 Raised
0 Donations
999 Days to Go
Step 1 - Customize Your Gift

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a recurring contribution over a set number of months, or an ongoing contribution...
I authorize my credit card to be charged by NIU Foundation today as a one-time gift.
You may be able to double the impact of your gift. Sometimes - even more...

Many companies have programs to match charitable donations made by employees. Search below below to see if your employer offers the option to match your contribution.
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Personalize your gift using our customization options...

You can recognize a particular person or business, choose to remain anonymous, or provide us with some special instructions. Select the options below to personalize your gift as you see fit.

   My gift is an anonymous gift.

   My gift is a corporate gift.

Corporation Name:

   Special instructions for my gift:

   Recognize someone special:

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